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Step 2 : Using an oven and a mixer, is it hard?

Hello again, today's entry is about an oven and a mixer. Do you even know how an oven and a mixer looks like? of course you do, but if you don't here's a picture of it
for those who don't know, now you know. For a new beginner, people always asked me a series of questions and one of it "is it complicated to use an oven and a mixer?" well the answer is, No. It's not complicated. because the buttons are all straight forward. They don't have hidden agendas. haha I'm kidding. It's not hard using a mixer and an oven. its very easy. 

Next question, "does it cost you a fortune?" well it depends on your budget and the brand. if you have bigger budget, then you can go for the more expensive one but if you don't, you can go for a cheaper one. I recommend you to buy Panasonic, its quite cheap and long lasting. Trust me, I have a mixer and an oven from Panasonic and it lasted for centuries. Last question, is it handy? well yes. It is handy. because it's not that heavy and you can bring it anywhere you want.

So i hope that I've answered your questions regarding an oven and a mixer. And stay tuned for the next step. :)