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Step 14: Pavlova?

Hello! I hope your Croissant tuned out well :) okay today I'm going to help you to make a Pavlova. What is a Pavlova anyway? It is a meringue cake with a crisp crust and soft, light inside and usually topped with fresh soft fruits and whipped cream. Pavlova is originated from New Zealand and today you'll make one! Lets start!you will need :

4 nozz large egg whites
1 cup castor sugar
1 tbsp corn starch
3/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup of whipped cream
soft fruits

1. Pour in the egg whites in a mixing bowl. using a mixer whisk it with sugar until soft peak.
2. While whisking add in the cream of tartar and the vanilla. whisk till medium peak.
3. Fold in the cream of tartar slowly in the egg whites mixture so that the volume and air won't lose. 
4. Prepare a baking tray and parchment paper.
5. Lay the mixture on the tray and bake for 150 degree Celsius for 80 minutes. 
6. Let cooled and assemble the whipped cream and topped it with some soft fruits like kiwi, strawberries and peaches. 

Good luck and Enjoy you pavlova. :)