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Hello! On this first entry, I would like to welcome you to my humble blog. So how bad do you love baking but never try or never succeed in baking anything? Well, to stumble upon this blog today is your lucky day, because this blog will help you to become a baker in 15 steps. This blog is based on my personal experience. So I will ensure you that after you're done with all the steps, you can bake with eyes close. Okay, don't do that. I'm joking. Don't close your eyes you might hit the oven or something. hahaha okay.

But to me to be a baker, it's not all about the recipe or how you do it. It's about the history, the tools, the passion. you need to know all of that in order to be a good baker. What i meant to a baker is that I'm helping you girls, mothers, wives or maybe men who love to bake to be a baker in your own home. You can even make a living out of this, maybe. because who knows what the future holds. :)

So before I start with my first step, are you ready? I hope you are, because I will change your life. I will give you one more advantage that will make you special to your loved ones. Because remember girls, men love girls who can bake, trust me. I know :)